Hello! I am a PhD student at Telecom Paris, working under the supervision of prof. Gaël Richard and prof. Geoffroy Peeters, part of the ADASP group and the HI-Audio project.
Previously, I was an intern at Sony CSL Paris as part of my Master’s program research internship.
I have a Bachelor’s in Electrical Engineering with a focus on Computer Engineering from Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais in Brazil, and an engineering degree in France, from Telecom Paris. In 2022, I also graduated with a Master’s degree from the MVA program in Applied Mathematics, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence at Ecole Normale Superieure Paris-Saclay, France.
I am currently working on topics ranging from music source separation using analysis-by-synthesis, signal processing informed deep learning and differentiable digital signal processing. I am generally interested in audio signal processing, machine learning and the crossroads between the two, but my broader research interests include self-supervised learning, music information retrieval, timbre, optimal transport and generative models.
Outside the lab, I’ve recently developed an interest in contemplative practices, particularly meditation, and philosophy.
You can take a look at my CV here: [CV]